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This is a brilliant challenge for the post-OotP era. Please participate.


Here are some resources to get you going on your writing.

Mary Borsellino has created a fantastic reference page for werewolves and big, black dogs in folklore. Find it here.

English-To-Latin Translator - A search engine to help you create those handy little spells.
Dictionary of Names - An excellent source of given and surnames for magical sorts.
Archaic Occupation Names - These make good names for characters in the HP universe.
Merriam-Webster Online - The writer's best friend. Offers both a dictionary and thesaurus. Use them.
Guide to Britain For the Confused - A great resource for non-Brits on everything from money to telly.
British Words Lexicon - Another way to sound like you know what you're doing.
Dictionaries of Slang - Exactly what it says it is. Kind of fun, too.
Rough Slang - Dirty Brit-Speak. Have fun, kids, but use sparingly. - A great little site for fans of words. You could find something useful, here.
Stars and Constellations - Everything you ever wanted to know about the bright bits in the sky.
Lunar Calendar - Want to know when the full moons were in 1976? Here's how.
Calendars Past and Present - So you know what days were which even back in the Marauders' era.
Measurement Converter - What is Farenheit in Celcius? This figures it for you. - A good source of info on Paganism, with some herb lore.
Witchcraft Documents - Information on the Witch Hysteria.
Myths, Fables and Folklore - Because sometimes you need a little magic.
Encyclopaedia Mythica - An incredible resource of all things legendary.
The Harry Potter Lexicon - An exhaustive source of HP fact and speculation. Not the most reliable source out there, but it'll do in a pinch.
Quidditch Teams - This'll tell you everything you need to know about the Quidditch teams in HP.
Beta Readers - Harry Potter - Please, for the love of all that is good and holy, use a beta reader.
The Akashic Record - A compendium of lore relating to Harry Potter.
Shakespearian Insult Generator - You may not need this, but it's still fun.
Bible Gateway - Search any Bible, and every Bible, for something relevant.
The Alchemy Website - Your Potions Master will like this.
Penis-isms - Wedding tackle, stiffy, bed snake; a penis by any other name...


David Thewlis - the cinematic answer to Remus Lupin.
Gary Oldman - Only Sid Vicious could have played Sirius Black.

Azkaban's Lair
The Happy Valley Puppy Farm
Fiction Alley
The Restricted Section
Red Moon Rising
The Forbidden Chamber - Some of the best Sirius/Remus fanart out there.
The Howl Kingdom


We do not own nor claim to own any or all of the characters in the Harry Potter universe. All characters copyright JK Rowling. No harm or infringement is intended. This is a not-for-profit, free-of-charge website.


You must be of legal age in your country of residence to particpate in the challenge or read the fiction featured on this site.